About this website


My name is Vagiz Duseev, I am a software engineer in my free time and a professional Harry Potter scholar in my working hours. I am a big fan of the Harry Potter universe and all the magic that is happening there.

I always theorized a lot about the Harry Potter universe and had many ideas about how to explain it. At some point my friends told me that I should start writing about it.

Harry Potter is a great universe to explore and I am happy to share my thoughts with you. I hope you will enjoy it.

About this website

This website is a collection of explanations for the magic in the Harry Potter universe. It is a work in progress, and will be updated as I write more articles. It is mostly based on movies nad books, and is purely my own interpretation of the magic in the Harry Potter universe. The articles are written in a way that assumes you have watched the movies, and will contain spoilers. The goal is to explain the magic in a way that makes sense, and to fill in the gaps left by the books.


If you want to improve this website in any way, feel free to open an issue, or even better, a pull request! This website is open source, hosted on GitHub, and managed as any other software project.

The git repository is available at github.com/vduseev/harry-potter-explained.


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